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Thank you so much giving up your valuable time Karlana and giving our Grade 5/6s some direction with their editing. As you had already guessed, editing is neither an area of great enjoyment or skill for our students. In hearing that even you as an author spend much time editing, that characters names and even concepts change during this process was eye opening and motivating to hear. Upon discussions following your visit, students discussed the importance of editing, for fixing up spelling and punctuation but also to check for ideas and general readability. I suddenly have students saying they are writing their own books and wanting to share parts of these in class, above and beyond our regular writing sessions. Thanks for the motivation, Karlana.


- Caitlin

Today I got the students to write a review of your visit. There was some good writing! Sam who asked for your autograph first, said you are his favourite author! Another child had raced down to the local bookshop to buy book 1 after school and she had her head in this book whenever she could today! She gave me the book to look at and I read chapter 1. Now I need the book! 


- Joan 




I just finished reading The Chosen last night and absolutely loved it!

What a story with such detail in the plot - loved the main characters and can't wait to read the next book!!! It ended on a real cliff-hanger! 


- Julie


I have just finished reading The Lodihr and really enjoyed it.
It was just as good as the first!
I can’t wait for the third in the series but know I will have to be patient!


- Julie

Thank you so much for coming to work with our students, many of whom were suffering from Mondayitis! Your lesson was exactly what they needed and as you said, editing is the hard part. I know in class my students are well motivated to write but to check their piece - no way! You'd be pleased to know there has been discussion since your visit and today we worked on revisiting an existing piece of writing, solely for the purpose of editing. Students were actually quite motivated once we got started!


I hope you have a great Christmas and get all the hours of writing squeezed in that you are hoping for!


- Cath

I just wanted to thank you again for such a great event last night.

The response from the children and the community has been wonderful regarding the workshop.


We would love to team up with you again anytime. Thank you


- Subha


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