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For primary and secondary students
Write a true or made-up story involving or inspired by Covid-19 and Lockdown, and get your story published in a book!

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Online Education

EVERYONE has a chance to be a winner!! All entries go into a Lucky Prize draw to receive a set of the "Stone Keepers' trilogy, PLUS two sets also awarded as prizes for "Best Story" as determined by Karlana Kasarik.


The competition opens October 6th, 2021 and closes November 30th 2021. 


Entries can be fact or fiction, a short story, a few paragraphs, a poem, a short play, words for a song. The only guideline is that your entry MUST have a reference to Covid-19 and/or Lockdown. Scroll down for further details. 


Entries will be published as a collection of stories similar to the 2020 book (pictured above and blurb below). Parental permission is required for the story to be included, and only first name, age and state will be used as identifiers.


The book will be available to purchase and profits will be donated to the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation.

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*Rori Diary KK fix.jpg
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*Jack Zombie KK fix.jpg

By Jack

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By Ashton

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1) You can write from your own experience of how you feel about Lockdown and Covid-19. Ideas include home school. missing family and friends, things you liked about lockdown, what you are looking forward to when it ends, etc.


2) You can also make up a story based on the idea of Lockdowns, viruses, etc. Last year, mad scientists, zombies and aliens were featured in stories that are now in the 2020 book.


3) Entries can be just a couple of paragraphs but up to several pages long.


4) You can write a poem, words for a song or even a short play.


5) Drawings can be included (some from the previous book are shown on this page).


6) Entries can be emailed to

or posted to P.O. Box 222, Niddrie, Vic, 3042. Entries close at the end of November. 


7) There will be an Early Bird Lucky Prize draw at the end of October for all entries received by then. The remaining prize draw and awarding of Best Story prizes will happen in December. All winners notified by email or mail.

2020's Book 

 Kid's Stories of Life with Lockdown/COVID-19


In 2020, I invited Victorian school students to write a short story, fiction or non-fiction, with some reference to the situation we were in during 2020. Poems and plays were also an option. The only guildine was it had to referece Covid-19 and/or Lockdown.


The result was over 130 submissions, ranging from a couple of paragraphs on the frustration of lockdown and home schooling to very imaginative stories involving mad scientists, zombies, aliens and haunted houses. These have now been published in the above book, and all profits are being donated to the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation.


My idea stems from thinking about the huge impact the "lockdown" was having on children's lives, affecting them in so many ways, from being unable to visit other family and friends and missing out on birthday parties to attending school online and fighting boredom. Even something as simple as playing on the swings or slide at the park was no longer considered normal On the other hand, lots of experiences were going on at home, such as online and home schooling, cooking, gardening and other hobbies. Friends still chatted, but online, and neighbours looked out for one another, perhaps even more than before.


And here we are again in 2021, back in lockdown and this time, not just Melbourne or Victoria, but many other states too. 


So...why not have another Lockdown Wrting Project! 


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*Jack Zombie KK fix.jpg

© Karlana Kasarik 2024

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